The return of a favorite
Notes of Strawberry, Tropical Fruit and Apricot Jam
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Bensa Natural Tasting Notes
There is vast depth in cups of this show stopping Ethiopian coffee. Bensa showcases red fruit and blueberry notes as well as raspberry, pineapple, guava, and apricot jam… to name a few. It seems that the exact flavor profile changes depending on how the cup is prepared, the temperature of the cup, and the time off of roast. This is really a great coffee to dive into and explore.
About The Producer
This coffee is one produced under the purview of Daye Bensa. Bensa operates several farms and washing stations that are located and source coffee at the uppermost reaches of coffee’s maximum growing altitude. His unique approach to production has won several distinguished awards while at the same time improving the lives of the coffee producers.
How To Brew This Natural Process Ethiopian Single Origin
This natural process Ethiopian coffee can produce a wide range of delicious cups varying greatly in flavor, body, and structure. We recommend using a 1:15 brew ratio and steeping with water between 185-200°F for no more than three minutes.
Daye Bensa
Heirloom Ethiopian
Processing Method