Foam Fresh is the fastest acting, most powerful bio-sanitation foam in the industry. Foam Fresh is used to break down organic matter in drains and in areas where organic buildup occurs – areas like cracks and crevices, around the base of equipment legs and in garbage receptacles. Foam Fresh leaves a fresh, pleasant scent while the microbes continue to work. Foam Fresh is applied as part of an ongoing maintenance program and can also be used for intense odor causing situations. Foam Fresh doesn’t “cover up” odors; it uses microbes to attack the source of the smell, breaking down the organic matter and eliminating the odor for good.
Use Foam Fresh to break down organic residue and biofilm in commercial kitchens, garbage receptacles, floor drains and sink drains. Restaurants and bars can spray Foam Fresh in areas to eliminate odors from urine, vomit and feces. Foam Fresh can be used in bathrooms, floor drains, drain surfaces, wall voids, walls, floors, carpets, urinals, toilets, bar mats, food preparation areas, refuse containers, garbage cans and dumpsters, as well as many other areas.
Key Features:
- Drain actuator and 17" semi-rigid hose with every can
- The 3.3 mm semi-rigid hose fits through the smallest drain plate grids
so you can treat without removing the drain plates - Large 18 oz. can featuring a cone-spray actuator with an up-down valve,
giving you 360° control - The fastest, most powerful bio-sanitation foam in the industry
- Use in commercial kitchens to consume Fats, Oils & Grease (FOG)
* always recommends reading the entire product label before use, and following all necessary safety precautions, mixing instructions and proper application methods.